Aerial view of ships docked at a port

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

A Proven Track Record

Accomplished, Skilled and Invested in the future of the Port of Argentia.

Wade Dawe, President & CEO of Torrent Capital

Wade Dawe

President &
CEO of Torrent Capital

Wade Dawe is an accomplished entrepreneur, financier and investor based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Numus Financial Inc., Director of, Inc. and former Chairman of the Board of Pivot Technology Solutions Inc.

Dwight Ball, Businessperson and former premier of Newfoundland and Labrador

Dwight Ball

Businessperson and
former premier of
Newfoundland and Labrador

Scott Penney, Port of Argentia Chief Executive Officer

Scott Penney

Port of Argentia
Chief Executive Officer

Carl Sheppard, Torrent Capital Director

Carl Sheppard

Torrent Director

Carl has a Master of Development Economics degree from Dalhousie University, a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree from York University’s Glendon College and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Memorial University where he majored in economics.

Argentia Capital

Argentia Capital Inc. focuses on the construction of port infrastructure, the provision of services and equity ownership in businesses that support aquaculture, renewable energy, and oil and gas sectors, as well as other port developments.